Sunday, October 15, 2006

Dynamics CRM Value Proposition - Why Invest?

I wanted to take a second to post some opinion on our Team BLOG. None of this is really earth shattering but I beleive it is worth writing down every once in a while for posterity sake....

CRM really is an amazing product. It is ground-up built on the latest technology unlike any other application on the market. Every competitor we see out there is trying to move to a similar platform. We believe the best core messages to get across to a Business Executive evaluating CRM solutions are these: AMPLIFY THE EFFECTIVNESS OF YOUR TEAM
MS CRM provides you a strategic business application process platform not just sales, marketing and service.

- It seamlessly integrates and functions within Office applications that your users already know and prefer.
- It also heavily leverages your existing investment in the Microsoft Stack of Server and Client Office applications.
- Lastly it is extremely customizable and extensible to both your business needs and the personal user preferences.

These three main messages combine to deliver a world class application that provides your valued teams with the tools they need to AMPLIFY their effectiveness and performance.
Ultimately the team members that you have in your organization make or break your business, performance and success. Technology does not MOVE business and enhance value or innovate strategy. People do.

Unchain them from friction filled applications and disparate 'ALT-TAB' integrated windows and let them run for the GOLD. Provide them a familiar, easy to use, interface with a V12 engine architecture and you will drive your success!

Regards, Jon Petrucelli - – Austin Texas

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